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We Must Make The Wise Choice For Our Grandchildren

 We in Staunton have a choice to make.  It is up to us.  Shall we choose solar energy ? Twenty one years ago, I was adopted into the Shenandoah family, Wolf Clan, Oneida Nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (People of the Long House).   White people call them Iroquois. We are taught to listen to our elders, learn to respect and act responsibly. Oren Lyons, 93, Wolf Clan, is an Onondaga Chief, and world leader of peace who teaches —  The Earth is our Mother.  She gives everything we need for life.  Imagine a living pine tree clinging to a cliff; getting all it needs for life from the earth.  We are like that pine tree.  Our Mother Earth provides, but time is running out.  We have little time to make changes in order to survive.  The economy of nations will be broken by natural disasters.  We see more disasters every year:  hurricanes, snow melt, coastlines washing into the seas, wild fires, drought, flooding, on and...

“Thoughts and prayers”, again.

 Dear Congressman Ben Cline,

There have been 130 mass shootings in 2023 in three months !!!!!!!!!

“Thoughts and prayers” in the standard political refrain after mass shootings, followed by arguments that nothing more can be done. One republican suggested home schooling as the answer to the problem.  REALLY ??????

Retired Rear Admiral Barry C. Black, Chaplain of the US Senate, espoused his personal view during the  delivery of an opening prayer recently, “When babies die at a church school, it is time for us to move beyond thoughts and prayers.”

This highly spiritual leader is making a plea for legislative ACTION after the deadly shooting took place in Nashville, Tennessee. I am also making this plea with many other people with dead children from mass shootings.

The damage in Tennessee was the deaths of children and school personnel.  What we don't immediately see is the collateral damage of families and communities that last for many years

Picture January 6th with assault rifles.  It would had been a massacre which would have included members of Congress. 

These are steps taken in every mass shooting, including the young teacher with seventeen nine year olds in Tennessee. Now this is real live RESPONSIBILITY, few of us will ever experience and certainly this should not be a part of daily living skills for nine years old. 

Many of us watched congressional members in action on JAN. 6th who were running and hiding from attackers without assault rifles. They had some front line protection from professional police officers. They contacted family members saying “good byes”.  The parents of  Tennessee dead children did not have the opportunities of “good byes”.

Mass shootings are not only a social and spiritual issue but also a spiritual challenge and above all a personal political choice.  So far, the Republican Party chooses guns and assault rifles made by man over children and people created by GOD.  Your party stance and convenient interpretation far exceeds the Constitutional amendment.

The majority of citizens of the US want better laws for sensible gun control.

Mrs. Carol Hammack Poulson
Staunton, Virginia 24401


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